“The environment and the economy are both two sides of the same coin. If we cannot sustain the environment, we cannot sustain ourselves.” -Wangari Maathai
As Easter fast approaches, most of us are looking forward to traveling abroad or upcountry to spend time with family. This well-loved and well-earned vacation deserves to be joyfully celebrated. And the best way to enhance it is to ensure we take care of our environment as we make merry.
Kendirita Tours has done some research on how to ensure Easter celebrations keep the next generation in mind. So, in this article, we share a few tips on eco-friendly ways to enjoy your Easter in 2024.
When Traveling:
- Choose Sustainable Transportation

We are quite confident that you, just like us, care deeply for the environment. You want to travel in sustainable ways that reduce our carbon footprint and ensure the survival of generations to come.
This Easter, opt for environmentally friendly modes of transportation such as trains, buses, or carpooling, especially for long-distance travel. Traveling this way is an excellent way of reducing carbon emissions per passenger as opposed to driving privately.
Cycling, walking, and hiking are equally wonderful ways to protect the environment while also helping you keep fit. Alternatively, if you must rent a vehicle, for instance, if you are new to a city, then you may consider opting for an electric one.
- Pack Reusable Essentials

Before setting off on your Easter adventure, pack reusable essentials such as water bottles, coffee cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. By avoiding single-use plastics and disposables, you can significantly reduce waste while traveling.
This also holds true for toiletries such as lotions, perfumes, and reusable shopping bags. When you pack them from home, you reduce the risk of unnecessary purchases on your trip, which saves you money while reducing your impact on the environment.
- Stay in Eco-Friendly Accommodations

Choose accommodations that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Look for hotels or vacation rentals with green certifications, energy-efficient features, and waste-reduction initiatives. You may do this by staying in eco-lodges, hostels, or bed and breakfasts that promote environmentally responsible tourism practices. Prioritize establishments that use solar and hydroelectric power sources and/or organic meals and uphold farm-to-plate policies.
When Hosting a Party:
- Minimize Food Wastage

Statistics from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) indicate that one-third of all food produced globally is either lost or wasted. This translates to 1.3 billion tons each year! Similarly, up to 10% of all global greenhouse gases come from food that is produced but not eaten.
While a huge chunk of this problem occurs at the production and harvesting stages, still, a lot of good food is simply thrown away by supermarkets and households. Notably, if we stopped throwing good food out, we would solve world hunger without even increasing food production.
As damning as these stats are, this Easter, you could be part of the solution. Here are ways you can reduce food wastage in your household:
- Plan your meals mindfully by considering the number of your guests and the length of their stay. Find out early if they have any food allergies or dietary restrictions.
- Serve small portions of each meal and only add when and as needed.
- Find creative ways to utilize leftovers e.g. converting leftover rice into fried rice and leftover meats and chicken into sandwiches.
- Share excess meals with neighbors or anyone in need.
- Donate dry foods to charities or food banks near you.
We trust these tips will help you enjoy your Easter while protecting the amazing planet we call home.
Writer: Winnie Wekesa