Deep in the heart of the Kenyan arid wilderness lives a fascinating group of people-The Samburu. They are a semi-nomadic ethnic group of the Maa people who speak the Samburu dialect, similar sounding but uniquely different from the Masai.
These resilient people have cultivated a unique and time-honored culture that sets them apart from the rest. Kendirita Tours has had the incredible privilege of living among the Samburu every so often due to the many safari adventures we have taken our clients on.
In this article, we will take a closer look into the unique lifestyle and customs of the Samburu people, some of which have been practiced for over a century.
Nomadic Pastoralism – A Way of Life

At the core of Samburu culture lies their deep connection with their livestock and the land they roam. Historically, the Samburu have been semi-nomadic pastoralists, moving with their herds of cattle, goats, and camels in search of grazing lands and water sources.
This traditional way of life has shaped their worldview. One of the first things you will notice when you encounter the Samburu is their almost sacred connection to their land and natural resources. The Samburu have a profound understanding of the natural world and the ecosystem they rely upon.
The river Ewaso Nyiro, for instance, holds a special place in the hearts of the Samburu people for being a constant supply of fresh water for their livestock and wildlife who call this region home.
The Manyatta – A Traditional Homestead

The Samburu people live in traditional homesteads called manyattas. A manyatta is a cluster of huts made from wooden frames, mud, and dung. These huts are constructed in a circular formation to create a protected enclosure for their livestock at night. The Samburu live in close-knit family units, with extended families often sharing a single manyatta.
Unique to the Samburu culture, the manyattas are built by Samburu women, an interesting deviation from the norm of most Kenyan homesteads. Traditionally, as the women and children slept at night, the Morans (young men of Samburu) kept watch over the manyattas instilling a sense of safety in their community.
Age Sets and Rites of Passage

Samburu society is organized into age sets, where individuals born within the same timeframe are considered part of the same group. As they age, they progress through different stages of life together, sharing unique experiences and responsibilities.
Rites of passage play a vital role in Samburu culture, marking the transition from one age set to another. The most significant of these ceremonies is the initiation into adulthood where young boys transition from being children into the life of a moran, a warrior.
Just before circumcision, the boys spend some time in the bush, where they are taught various traditional knowledge and skills by the elders. The initiation process includes various physical and mental challenges designed to test the boys’ endurance, bravery, and ability to overcome hardships.
The culmination of the initiation process is marked by a grand ceremony known as the “Moran Graduation.” During this event, the community comes together to honor the newly initiated morans.
They are now expected to take on more responsibilities and actively participate in community affairs. As warriors, they are considered the protectors of their community and are entrusted with safeguarding livestock and defending against external threats.
Strong Community Bonds

The Samburu people place great emphasis on communal harmony and mutual support. Their close-knit communities foster a sense of unity and solidarity. During times of hardship, such as drought or conflict, the community comes together to share resources and help one another.
During our tours to the Kenyan north, our clients have particularly enjoyed the part of the safari where they get immersed in the culture of the Samburu people.
During your stay, you too can visit the Samburu villages and share in their lifestyle as you learn about their food, beadwork, and customs. Feel free to reach out. We look forward to taking you to the beautiful land of Samburu.